PTO Bylaws

Mendoza PTO By-Laws


Membership is defined as: Any parents and legal guardians of children currently enrolled in Mendoza Elementary School and all Mendoza Elementary School staff who are willing to uphold its basic policies and subscribe to its By-laws.

Member is defined as: A parent or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled in Mendoza Elementary School and/or Mendoza staff

Standing Committee is defined as: A permanent committee that deals with one topic or event.

Committee Members: PTO Executive Board Members and/or PTO volunteers


NAME:  The name of this Organization shall be Mendoza Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, or referred to as Mendoza PTO or PTO.



Section 1.  The objectives of the Organization shall be:

Section 2. The newly elected Board shall review, update and present for the membership’s review and approval of proposed bylaws, a list of goals and objectives, a budget plan, and a mission statement by the second meeting of the school year.



Section 1.  The basic policy of the PTO shall be to promote and develop through conferences, committees, and projects the objectives set forth in Article II in cooperation with the general membership, teachers, and the administrators.

Section 2.  This Organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian, and non-partisan.  It shall not endorse any political candidate.  The name of the Organization, or the names of any members in their official capacities, shall not be used in connection with a partisan interest, or for any other purpose other than the regular work of the Organization.  The PTO may endorse a commercial enterprise or product during an officially sponsored fundraiser.

Section 3.  The PTO may cooperate with other Schools, Organization and Agencies active in child development, such as conference groups or coordinating councils, provided its representatives make no commitments that bind the group it represents.

Section 4.  This Organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statement, in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.

Section 6.  All fundraising shall be approved by the Principal; a yearly plan for fundraising projects shall be prepared.

Section 7.   The records of this Organization are open for public review.  A PTO Book of Record will be kept in the front office and be made available upon request for public inspection.  This notebook will contain:



Section 1.  Membership is open to all parents and legal guardians of children currently enrolled in Mendoza Elementary School and all Mendoza Elementary School staff who are willing to uphold its basic policies and subscribe to its By-Laws.

Section 5.  The Organization shall work with the school to provide quality education for all children, and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing School policies, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the citizens to the Board of Education and its administration.

Section 2.  The privilege of making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to the Executive Board.  (Time constraints may be imposed by the President.) 



Section 1.  Officers of the PTO shall be elected at a regular business meeting.  In the case of an extraordinary event where the majority of the membership is unable to vote in person, the board can decide to hold online elections. Elected officers will include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Fundraising Coordinator, and Volunteer Coordinator. The only position that can not be maintained with either an assistant or a co-officer, is the Treasurer. Co-nominees for the office are voted in as a team and will have one collective vote for all decisions voted upon by the Executive Board.   This will be determined at the regular business meeting in April when nominations are held.   The officer positions shall be elected by a majority vote of those members in attendance. The new PTO officers enter a training period from the time of the election until the end of the school year at which point all material, reports, passwords, files, etc. pertaining to the PTO shall be turned over to the new PTO officers. 

Section 2.  All Officers shall be elected yearly. The new PTO officers enter a training period from the time of the election until the end of the school year and shall serve for a term of one year (until the last day of school).  In the case of an extraordinary event where the majority of the membership is unable to vote in person, the board can decide to hold online elections. A candidate can be elected to the same office for consecutive years. If no other person is elected for an office, the current officer may continue to serve.

Section 3.  In cases of school closures; meetings, elections, etc. will resume when the school opens.  In the case of an extraordinary event where the majority of the membership is unable to vote in person, the board can decide to hold online elections.

 Section 4.  Vacancies.  If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the first Vice President shall assume the office of the President.  If a vacancy occurs in any other office, a person elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board shall fill it for the unexpired term, notice of such election being given.

Section 5.  Removal From Office.  An officer may be removed from office for failure to perform assigned duties, corruption, failure to attend three consecutive meetings, or for any act, which brings dishonor on the Organization.  The removal shall take place after appropriate due process procedures have been conducted and with the majority vote of those members in attendance at a PTO meeting called and publicized for the purpose of removal.

Section 6.   A member must appear in person to cast a vote.  The Executive Board will determine the voting arrangement.  In the case of an extraordinary event where the majority of the membership is unable to vote in person, the board can decide to hold online elections. A member must be present at the virtual meeting to cast a vote.  The Principal or a neutral party appointed by the Principal will tally and report the results of the vote for the Executive Board election at the April meeting. 

Section 7.  A member will be able to nominate themselves publicly the evening of the election so that the entire membership is aware of any other potential candidates.  They will be treated as a write-in candidate.



The Principal shall:

The President shall:

The Vice President shall:

The Secretary shall:

The Treasurer shall:

The Historian shall:

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

The Volunteer Coordinator shall:



Section 1.  Regular Business Meetings of this Organization shall be held on a monthly basis during the school year.  The first meeting will be held in Aug.  Five (5) days notice shall be given before any change of meeting dates.  The last meeting of the school year shall be an annual meeting at which time reports shall be received and new officers installed.

Section 2.   Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board, five (5) days notice having been given.

Section 3.  In cases of school closures; meetings, elections, etc. will resume when the school opens. 


Section 4.  The transaction of business at general publicized meetings will be conducted by the Executive Board. 

Section 5.  The order of business shall be as follows to assure a prompt and productive meeting:



Section 1.  The governing body of the Organization shall be known as the Executive Board.  It shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Fundraising Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, one Primary Teacher Representative, one Intermediate Teacher Representative, and the Principal. Each officer has one vote per agenda item. That is a total of 9 members on the Executive Board that can vote. If a position is co-chaired there will still be only one vote per position.  All but the Principal are voting members of the Executive Board.

Section 2.  The Executive Board shall be responsible for all policy decisions affecting the Organization’s operation.  It shall carry out all directives as voted by the Organization’s membership.

Section 3.  The Executive Board meetings may be called at the discretion of the President and meetings are open to the general membership.

Section 4.  Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year, the time to be fixed by the Executive Board.  A majority shall constitute a quorum.  Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Board.

Amendment: With a full board of 9 people, 2/3rds must vote in approval whether present at the meeting or not

Section 5.  To transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings of the Organization and such other business as may be referred to it by the Organization.

Section 6.  To supervise the work of standing committees.

Section 7.  To create special committees, and to supervise the work of such committees.

Section 8.  To appoint an auditing committee.

Section 9.  Appointed members of the Executive Board shall include one primary (Kindergarten thru Third grade) and one intermediate (Fourth thru Sixth grade) Teacher Representatives, appointed by the Principal.  It shall be the responsibility of the Teacher Representatives to communicate ideas, needs, etc. between teachers and parents of Mendoza Elementary School, The Teacher Representatives shall be voting members of the Executive Board.

Section 10.   The Principal shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.



Section 1.  Such standing committees shall be created by the Executive Board as may be deemed necessary to promote the objectives and interests and carry on the work of the Organization.  The Chairman of a standing committee shall be selected by the officers of the Organization.  Their term shall be one (1) year.

Section 2.  The Chairman of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval.  No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Board.

Section 3.  Special committees are created and appointed for a specific purpose and it automatically goes out of existence when its work is done and its final report is accepted or adopted.



Section 1.  The expenditure of PTO funds shall be recommended by the Executive Board and presented to the PTO members present at a regular meeting for discussion. After discussion the executive board will conduct a final vote.

Amendment: With a full board of 9 people, 2/3rds must vote in approval whether present at the meeting or not

Section 2.  The financial records of the Organization shall be audited annually by a non-member of the Executive Board, appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 3.  Two (2) signatures shall be required on all checks issued by the Organization.  Authorized signatures shall include the President or Vice-President and the Treasurer.

Section 4.  The year-end financial report prepared by the Treasurer shall be published and made available to all PTO members.

Section 5.  The fiscal year of this organization shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.  The previous year’s budget will stand until the first general meeting. Monthly bank statements must be mailed to Mendoza Elementary School. 



Section 1.   The By-Laws shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Executive Board that are present at any meeting.  Prior notification of the By-Laws as an agenda item must be made to the Executive Board.



Section 1.  The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board present at any PTO meeting, providing at least 30 days written notice has been given of any proposed amendment.



Section 1.  All members of this organization, Executive Board, and its committees are for the discussion of Organization business; and parent members shall not use any of these meetings as a means of discussing the problems or progress of their children with members of the staff.



Section 1.  The Organization may only be dissolved following a majority vote of the Executive Board that are present at a meeting called and publicized for the purposes of dissolution.

Section 2.  In the event of dissolution, any remaining funds in the Treasury and usable supplies belonging to the Organization shall be turned over to the Mendoza Elementary School Student Fund.

These By-Laws were created November 10, 1983, and amended January 7, 1983, March 23, 1984, May 23, 1995, April 2, 1996, and September 19, 2006 and October 7, 2008, March 2009, May 2009, March 2, 2010, May 4, 2010, March 6, 2018, November 2019, 

April 2020, August 2020, August 2022, August 2023